Friday, December 19, 2008

Admin's Choice

We chose this photo by 10:10 (Coroner) because, it gives us an intimate look at the strength and struggle of the subject.

The Coroner had this to say ; " As a coroner's investigator I have a few options to help me rid my thoughts after a really rough shift. I can drink away the evil of the day - or pray for a better tomorrow. I choose the latter. "

He generously gives us technical information as well ; " My brand spankin new Photogenic strobe (won it in a photo contest!) bounced from silver brolly over head at about 30 degrees. I stood on a large white reflector to try and get a tiny little detail of the facial outline on the opposite side of the face. I used a Canon 40D with 50mm fixed macro lens. Nothing too special or difficult".

We thank you for the brilliant self portrait.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent Self-Portrait. very emotionaland it has a lot of depth. Struggle and Strength really docomethrough. Well done!
